Register with CosBase

If you are not of age, ask your parents before you register.


Fields with * are mandatory.
The choosen usernamen cannot be changed afterwards. The username must start with a letter and may contain letters, numbers, spaces, -, _ or . and end with a letter or a number. Serveral straight spaces, -, _ or . are prohibited. The username may be 1 to 24 characters long.
The email may not be longer than 128 characters.
The password must be from 8 to 128 characters long. Please choose a password that cannot be guessed by anyone. Also choose a password you don't use anywhere else.

The data privacy statement and the AGB must be accepted.

Are you a human? Please enter the letters from the graphic.
(Click on the code to get a new one.)

The CosBase-Quick Reference is ideal to start with. More explanations, all rules of our community and general help are available from our support.

Being a member at CosBase is free of charge and can be terminated anytime. You will find more important details in our data privacy statement and the AGB - both of which need to be accepted for a registration.

How the registration process works:
After sending the form you will receive an email with an activation link. You need to open this link to complete the registration. After that you will be able to login to CosBase. The activation link is valid for 2 days only.

Benefits from the registration:

  • have your own profile to show to the community
  • upload and publish pictures, galleries and outfits
  • use advanced query functions
  • participate in the community (commentaries, friends, events, ...)