Past event participations of AB_the_diablo

AnimagiC 2024 (Convention, Mannheim/Germany, 2024-08-02 to 2024-08-04)

DoKomi 2024 (Convention, Düsseldorf/Germany, 2024-06-28 to 2024-06-30)

Anime Marathon 2024 (Convention, Königslutter/Germany, 2024-06-14 to 2024-06-16)

MMC Berlin 2024 (Convention, Berlin/Germany, 2024-05-18 to 2024-05-20)

Leipziger Buchmesse/Manga-Comic-Convention 2024 (Fair, Leipzig/Germany, 2024-03-21 to 2024-03-24)

Polaris 2023 (Convention, Hamburg/Germany, 2023-10-13 to 2023-10-15)

DoKomi 2023 (Convention, Düsseldorf/Germany, 2023-06-30 to 2023-07-02)

DeDeCo 2020 (Convention, Dresden/Germany, 2020-02-21 to 2020-02-23)

AnimeCon 2019 (Convention, Rotterdam/Netherlands, 2019-06-14 to 2019-06-16)

DoKomi 2019 (Convention, Düsseldorf/Germany, 2019-06-08 to 2019-06-09)

Animuc 2019 (Convention, München/Germany, 2019-04-26 to 2019-04-28)

Leipziger Buchmesse/Manga-Comic-Convention 2019 (Convention, Leipzig/Germany, 2019-03-21 to 2019-03-24)

DeDeCo 2019 (Convention, Dresden/Germany, 2019-03-01 to 2019-03-03)

AnimeCon 2018 (Convention, Den Haag/Netherlands, 2018-06-15 to 2018-06-17)

Comic Con Germany 2017 (Convention, Stuttgart/Germany, 2017-07-01 to 2017-07-02)

Mahou no Yoru 2016 - Cosplayball (Local meeting, Gladbeck/Germany, 2016-12-03)

AniMaCo 2016 - Dein Stern geht auf! (Convention, Berlin (Reinickendorf)/Germany, 2016-10-28 to 2016-10-30)

AnimeCon 2016 (Convention, Den Haag/Netherlands, 2016-06-10 to 2016-06-12)

DoKomi 2016 (Convention, Düsseldorf/Germany, 2016-04-30 to 2016-05-01)

Leipziger Buchmesse/Manga-Comic-Convention 2016 (Convention, Leipzig/Germany, 2016-03-17 to 2016-03-20)

DeDeCo 2016 (Convention, Dresden/Germany, 2016-02-12 to 2016-02-14)

4-Jahre-CosBase-Party (Photoshooting, Tropical Islands/Berlin/Germany, 2016-01-29 to 2016-01-31)

Japan Festival Berlin 2016 (Convention, Berlin/Germany, 2016-01-23 to 2016-01-24)

Ongaku Matsuri XVI (Anime-Disco) (Local meeting, Berlin/Berlin/Germany, 2016-01-16 to 2016-01-17)

MMC Berlin 2015 (Convention, Berlin/Germany, 2015-10-23 to 2015-10-25)

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2015 (Convention, Frankfurt/Germany, 2015-10-14 to 2015-10-18)

Connichi 2015 (Convention, Kassel/Germany, 2015-09-18 to 2015-09-20)

AniNite 2015 (Convention, Schwechat/Wien/Austria, 2015-08-28 to 2015-08-30)

Contaku 2015 (Convention, Magdeburg/Germany, 2015-08-22 to 2015-08-23)

AnimagiC 2015 (Convention, Bonn/Germany, 2015-07-31 to 2015-08-02)

AnimeCon 2015 (Convention, Den Haag/Netherlands, 2015-06-12 to 2015-06-14)

NipponCon 2015 (Convention, Bremen/Vegesack/Germany, 2015-06-06 to 2015-06-07)

DoKomi 2015 (Convention, Düsseldorf/Germany, 2015-05-23 to 2015-05-24)

Hanami - Con meets Festival 2015 (Convention, Ludwigshafen/Germany, 2015-05-09 to 2015-05-10)

Animuc 2015 (Convention, München/Germany, 2015-04-10 to 2015-04-12)

Leipziger Buchmesse/Manga-Comic-Convention 2015 (Convention, Leipzig/Germany, 2015-03-12 to 2015-03-15)

TiCon 7 (Convention, Würzburg/Germany, 2015-02-21 to 2015-02-22)

DeDeCo 2015 (Convention, Dresden/Germany, 2015-02-13 to 2015-02-15)

AniMaCo 2014 - 10th ANIversary (Convention, Berlin (Reinickendorf)/Germany, 2014-10-24 to 2014-10-26)

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2014 (Convention, Frankfurt/Germany, 2014-10-11 to 2014-10-12)

NiCon 2014 (Convention, Hannover/Germany, 2014-10-03 to 2014-10-05)

Connichi 2014 (Convention, Kassel/Germany, 2014-09-12 to 2014-09-14)

Werbestand AniMaCo
AnimagiC 2014 (Convention, Bonn/Germany, 2014-08-01 to 2014-08-03)

OngakuMatsuri XIII - DCM Berlin (Anime-Disco) (Local meeting, Berlin/Germany, 2014-07-26)

Japan Expo 15th Impact 2014 (Convention, Parc des Expositions de Paris-N/Paris/France, 2014-07-02 to 2014-07-06)

Wie.MAI.KAI 2014 (Convention, Wiesbaden/Mainz-Kastel/Germany, 2014-06-21 to 2014-06-22)

DoKomi 2014 (Convention, Düsseldorf/Germany, 2014-06-07 to 2014-06-08)

Hanami - Con meets Festival 2014 (Convention, Ludwigshafen/Germany, 2014-05-03 to 2014-05-04)

Animuc 2014 (Convention, München/Germany, 2014-04-25 to 2014-04-27)
J-Popcon 2014 (Convention, Kopenhagen/Denmark, 2014-03-28 to 2014-03-30)

Leipziger Buchmesse/Manga-Comic-Convention 2014 (Convention, Leipzig/Germany, 2014-03-13 to 2014-03-16)
DeDeCo 2014 (Convention, Dresden/Germany, 2014-02-21 to 2014-02-23)
2-Jahre-CosBase-Party (Photoshooting, Tropical Islands/Berlin/Germany, 2014-01-24 to 2014-01-26)
MCM London Comic Con 2013 (Oktober) (Convention, London/U.K., 2013-10-25 to 2013-10-27)
MMC Berlin 2013 (Convention, Berlin/Germany, 2013-10-04 to 2013-10-06)

Werbestand AniMaCo
Connichi 2013 (Convention, Kassel/Germany, 2013-09-13 to 2013-09-15)

OngakuMatsuri XI - DCM Berlin (Anime-Disco) (Local meeting, Berlin/Berlin/Germany, 2013-08-03)
AnimagiC 2013 (Convention, Bonn/Germany, 2013-07-26 to 2013-07-28)

ConTopia 2013 (Convention, Dortmund/Germany, 2013-06-29 to 2013-06-30)
NipponCon 2013 (Convention, Bremen/Germany, 2013-06-22 to 2013-06-23)

Wie.MAI.KAI 2013 (Convention, Wiesbaden/Mainz-Kastel/Germany, 2013-06-01 to 2013-06-02)
Japantag Düsseldorf 2013 (Convention, Düsseldorf/Germany, 2013-05-25)

DoKomi 2013 (Convention, Düsseldorf/Germany, 2013-05-18 to 2013-05-19)

Hanami - Con meets Festival 2013 (Convention, Ludwigshafen/Germany, 2013-05-04 to 2013-05-05)

Animuc 2013 (Convention, Fürstenfeldbruck/München/Germany, 2013-04-19 to 2013-04-21)

1-Jahr-CosBase-Party (Local meeting, Hannover/Germany, 2013-01-25 to 2013-01-27)

AniMaCo 2012 (Convention, Berlin (Reinickendorf)/Germany, 2012-11-02 to 2012-11-04)

Mitorganisator der AniMaCo
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2012 (Convention, Frankfurt/Main/Germany, 2012-10-10 to 2012-10-14)

u.a. DCM-Fotograf am Sonntag
NiCon 2012 (Convention, Hannover/Germany, 2012-10-05 to 2012-10-07)
Connichi 2012 (Convention, Kassel/Germany, 2012-09-07 to 2012-09-09)

zusätzlich werde ich am Werbestand der AniMaCo vertreten sein
AnimagiC 2012 (Convention, Bonn/Germany, 2012-07-27 to 2012-07-29)

ConTopia 2012 (Convention, Dortmund/NRW/Germany, 2012-07-14 to 2012-07-15)

DoKomi 2012 (Convention, Düsseldorf/Germany, 2012-05-26 to 2012-05-27)

Leipziger Buchmesse 2012 (Convention, Leipzig/Germany, 2012-03-15 to 2012-03-18)